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Rebecca Sky Rosell- Green Horse Ambassador

Rebecca Rosell is an accomplished equestrian with dual dressage and natural horsemanship training and riding skills. Originally from Miami, FL, she transported her horse across the country in 2009 to attend Art Center College of Design on a full scholarship. Since then, she has helped numerous people retrain and salvage off-the-track thoroughbreds as well as introduce green youngsters to a life under saddle the natural way. Left to her own devices at an early age she developed this instinctual horsemanship style by watching horses in pasture and then mimicking their signals in the round pen using various strategies. Her self-teaching took a giant step forward when at age 13 she was gifted a 3 year old, tall, black, Arabian ‘tease’ stallion. Over the next several years the two learned each other’s language and in doing so her horse went from a threatening, rearing in attack- mode youngster to a stable, happy rearing-on-command Liberty-show competitor. Since arriving in California, they have both continued their education in the dressage arena, impressing all with their quick grasp and implementation of the commands and movements required of the sport. Rebecca has been able to share much of what she and the Arab have learned together to help other green, difficult and/or traumatized horses. She takes it as her personal mission to give these animals tools to ensure a successful future.

Besides her Arab, Rebecca also credits an array of trainers she has worked with for helping her perfect her communicating with horses - Flora-Jean Weiss, Maggie Broekman, Stephen Birchall, Steve Boyles, MaryBeth Clock-Perez and the list goes on. And she is deeply grateful to Oscar Garcia for the opportunity to work at Santa Race Track, where she fell in love with Thoroughbreds in general and one in particular. Rebecca now hopes to showcase the ability and heart of the Thoroughbred breed by her training, showing, and performance of her newly acquired TB.At the same time she is working towards a national title in Arabian Sport Horse dressage. Her dream is to take her Black Arab to Grand Prix.


This young woman is the whole package-pretty sure their is N0thing she cant do! Talent, patience, natural horse ability, and never give up attitude! Im just over the moon having Rebecca represent Green Horse and share her love of all natural horse care.

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