Bethany Waldron 18 years old multi-talented rider. She has
Bethany has been riding for 8 years now and currently starting to compete in rodeo: barrel racing and other similar events; almost weekly. I am in several associations: NBHA, SRA, AQHYA with current high 3D placings ( average 50-200 people ) and won the SHA Reserve Champion for the year 2018. I used to do dressage so I’m also familiar with the English side of things. I own 5 horses of my own, 8 if counting my family’s horses.
I would love to represent your company because the opportunity to associate with more equestrians and business people is always a good thing! I can provide your company with high quality photos of your products, promotional videos, advertisement to a variety of people all the way from Instagram to the rodeos I compete in, and I am willing to answer any questions and give my honest opinion to any of your customers. I have been a supporter and user of Green Horse Organics for a long time as well. I adore your CPR Detangler! I absolutely 100% support the use of natural products on my horses and yours in particular. Nothing but the best for my herd!